Did you ever find a web site that you knew was going to be useful and you wouldn't want to be without? What happens when you find it at work or on your laptop, how do you make sure you can get to it when you are back at home or on another system?
If you are like me you probably bookmarked the site where you were, then emailed the site to yourself so that you could go there later and bookmark it all over again on your other systems. A very imperfect solution, but one that has been around for a while and I have tolerated so far.
What is delicious? I guess that can be a very subjective question, but in this case it is a web site and a great service. I found it earlier this year, February 2008, and for the past six months I have not bookmarked a site. At least not using my browsers bookmarking function.
They call it 'Social Bookmarking', I call it convenient.
I have come to rely on two features of the site and can't see myself without this capability.
Bookmarking The ability to bookmark a site and have access to that information from any browser anyplace at anytime is essential to me now. If I find a site that is related to something I am doing at work or at home, I will 'Tag' that site and have access to it immediately. I can share it easily with others or just reference it when I need it.
When I am using a different system, the only thing I need to remember is the path to delicious and my account name. With that I can access my bookmarks from any system, running any browser and have full access to every bookmark and all information that I saved with it. And of course on any system I use regularly, I have a tab open up to my delicious account. No need to keep multiple browsers up to date with new bookmarks.
Tag Tagging is bookmarking plus more. When you create a bookmark in your browser, typically you would add it to a folder to help you keep things organized. With 'Tags' you have multiple levels of organization.
Lets say you are writing a technology blog about twitter and you find a
site that really fits your needs. In this case when you 'Tag' the site you could enter as many unique tags as you need (technology blog twitter). Back in delicious when you select any one of those tags this site would appear in your list.
This flexibility allows you to 'Tag' sites across different subjects and to reference it when you need it, without having to remember which folder you added it to originally.
Join In If you would like to see my bookmarks and what I have saved, all you need to do is get your own account on delicious, its free, and then add me to your network. Everything I save will be there for you to see. (In case you are concerned there are also controls on the site to allow/block access to your network or bookmarks.)
Here is a nice video they did to explain the general capabilities. They go into more on the 'Social' side of the tool, but for me I am sold on the basic concepts that I showed here.
How to Explain Delicious to Your Parents