Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Has Twitter Reached the Tipping Point?

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase The buzz around Twitter as well as the usage continues to grow, I blogged about my reasons for using in an earlier post.

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell talks about the underlying factors that push a service, product or even an epidemic over the top and into high growth rates.

I recently finished his book and if you look at the articles that are appearing across the internet, it might be that Twitter has reached that point or might be there very soon.

Some of the indicators that I see are fairly obvious like growth. As you can see in the following post there has been tremendous growth over the past year. This appears to show that the 'Connectors' in the online world have done their job and the followers are now starting to connect to one another to drive this growth.

Twitter is Growing Like Crazy: Up 422% in 12 Months

But for me, the factor that shows me there may be a real growth spurt that will continue is the use by more and more 'Mavens'. Mavens are people that are very knowledgeable in their fields and are ready to share with others. Not for profit, but just because they want to.

I currently follow a combination of 'Mavens' in various fields. Several of them are very conversant in the stock market and financial's of the world, which has been very interesting reading during the current market meltdown. Others I follow are professional journalists where you get some of the back story discussions behind the headlines. And then there are other times you just get lucky and find someone that is in New Orleans during Hurricane Gustav.

Whatever the actual reason is I see Twitter growth continuing and I am excited to be a part of it. Do you Twitter?

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